Thursday, October 9, 2008


Welcome to the Shambhala Meditation Center of Los Angeles official building search blog! In the months to come, you will be able to read up on the latest in our group effort to plan, prepare, and act on our goal to find a new home in 2010. We had a fabulous kick off at the Harvest of Peace celebration and community meeting, and now it is time to roll up our sleeves and go for it!

There will be plenty of ways to get involved, from the sublime to the mundane. Of course, we're Shambalians, so for us the sublime and the mundane are probably basically the same thing! Regardless, we will all have the opportunity to contribute our unique gifts and our precious resources to enable a substantial asset purchase and shift in terms of our role and place in the community in a short 20-24 months.

It's important to remember we will have to go somewhere when our lease is up in 2010 - this is probably not negotiable. The more we are able to visualize and open to our new space, and develop the causes and conditions to allow our goals to flourish, the easier we will have it when it comes time to take the leap.

So please keep an eye out for posts in the next couple of weeks. I will be sending out an email to offer some volunteer opportunities, and will also outline on this blog some ideas to respond to the following questions:
  1. Why are we looking?
  2. Where will we be looking?
  3. What resources do we have now?
  4. What resources will we need then?
  5. How will we get there?
  6. When does each step need to happen?
  7. How does this process fit into the overall view of service to our community, our members, and our greater mandala?
For now, onward and eastward!

David Armitage


  1. Lungta ignited, David. Looking forward to working under your inspired leadership!

  2. My family may be moving and I would be inclined to move near the center.

    So, if there is a definite geographical range or area(s) being considered, it would not only lend sanity to the center's search, but would help us create a vision and focus for our family move as well!

    Michelle Kobayashi
